Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More on the Rick Pitino Affair

All have sinned...

After hearing the press conference apology that Rick Pitino was forced to give as a response to his sexual indiscretion in 2003, I was reminded about a few ideas that we Americans embrace that have made us one of the greatest dysfunctional countries in the world.

Any apology is a good apology...

Rick Pitino's forced public humiliation reminds me of the story of the thief that apologizes for stealing after he has been caught with the goods. Is he apologizing for the wrongness of his indiscretion or because he has been exposed? I think we know the answer. Maybe his apologize should be, "I am sorry that I got caught, and all of the trouble that this situation is causing me!"
Did you actually see the apology? And what is the deal with referencing 9/11?
We don't want or need his apology because it's not real!

The problem with heroes is...

It has been said that when in America always look up because you are sure to see a hero falling from his skyscraper high pedestal. And what a noise they make when they land! If it sounds like I am blaming us for these catastrophes, I am. A man or woman does one thing well, like win a medal in swimming or basketball, and we rush them straight to the shopping mall. Without checking references or resumes, we assume that they are morally and socially perfect. We buy them superhero capes, superhero tights, superhero leaping shoes (how do you think he gets on the pedestal?), three different types of superhero music, and a entourage of groupies ready to fight the person that questions their hero's status.

Stop it!

Standing in the scrutinizing light of public opinion does not make people better, it just makes them want to hide their faults. So here is my recommendation; split the difference with them. I am not suggesting that you lower (or raise) your personal standards, just your expectations of others. You will find it to be more realistic, you will be disappointed far less and pleasantly surprised more often!

About those superheroes outfits....I hope you kept the receipts.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tips on cleaning your bathroom and toilet

This past weekend I found myself busily cleaning our home; carpets, floors, baseboards, windows, mirrors, wood, and ceiling fans. You get the idea. About now you are thinking, “ He missed the bathroom and the toilet.” I don’t know why, but I always leave the toilets until last. As I was finishing the toilet someone knocked on the door and asked if they could use the toilet. As I stood up to leave the bathroom I caught a reflection of myself in the bathroom mirror, and it was that moment I was motivated to write this article. At that moment I heard a voice say, “What are you…silly?” My reflection’s accusation surrounded a sad fact. In less than 30 seconds after I had sterilized the bathroom, it would be germ infested once again! My obsession with toilet cleanliness was rightfully being called into question. Once in the ‘Throne Room’, our goal is not merely cleaning the room. We have to make the toilet so clean that it is fit for a hospital surgical room. We must kill every last germ, and if we don’t we will get sick, die, and go straight to hell! Right? I know why we are obsessed, thanks to the super-effective psycho-marketing style of the media, toilets have gotten a worse rap than they deserve. So bad, in fact, that the only way for us to restore the toilet to respectability is to employ the services of the ultra toxic, ultra harmful, ALL POWERFUL DISINFECTANT! Disinfectant? Why do we spend the extra money buying exotic, high potency cleaners, when we know that the toilet will be germ infested after the next use?
Thanks to modern science, we have also learned that the carpet, floor, phone, door handles, steering wheels, dog toys, bed sheets, and many other household things are far dirtier than the toilet.
So, even if there was a rational explanation for our behavior (and there’s not!) it becomes irrational ,again, if we don’t clean the toilet after every use. I won’t even review the regularity and intensity of work required to adequately respond to the above mentioned household germ hot spots.
I took the liberty of looking up the definition of the word disinfectant in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It states simply: An agent that frees from infection.
My toilets do not have an infection, does yours? Or put differently, are you trying to protect your toilet from disease or yourself? The buying public has been so frightened by the prospect of ‘death by toilet’ that they are now comfortable using chemicals far more dangerous than the germs they were designed to kill. Let me say this another way. Try to view this armada of chemicals that you have under your kitchen sink as a life insurance policy of sorts. The chemical industry would have you believe that the more vast and potent your chemicals, the better your chances of life and health. If you knew how low the odds were of you getting sick and dying from the germs in your home, you would probably clean every surface with plain water. Proof of this concept has been around for years. I submit for evidence male college students and dogs. I know from personal experience that the filthiest subculture in the World is the American male college student. If household germs were lethal every male college student in the country would be dead, and as for dogs…they drink toilet water indiscriminately. If it makes you feel better, use hot water instead.

Or take my suggestion, save yourself $1500.00 a year and buy yourself a big jug of all natural, environmentally safe, dilutable cleaner. Use that cleaner to clean everything. It isn't the grease in the bottle that makes a house clean, it's the grease in the elbow!

Let me leave you with these passing thoughts. You are not going to beat the germs, this is their World and we are just visiting, and don’t let the chemical industry tell you what to buy; instead, you tell them this. "You're not the boss of me!"